The answer to this question is - YES. End of article.


That's a joke, of course, although the answer is completely honest. However, before we justify the answer, it is worth taking a look at what a heat pump is, what types there are and what makes us use this solution in our projects. Every user dreams of having warm water in their swimming pool. With a heat pump, this is possible and at the same time the electricity bill will not give you a heart attack.

  • A heat pump is a device that uses the temperature of the air to heat water
  • A heat pump is the most efficient and economical method of heating a swimming pool
  • When selecting a pump, consideration should be given to the volume of the pool and the COP, or coefficient of performance

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What is a heat pump

A heat pump is an electrical device that uses the temperature of the air to heat water. That's it in a telegraphic nutshell. A heat pump is nothing more than an air-to-water pump. It uses atmospheric air and extracts heat from it. Inside the unit is a titanium exchanger. It is with its help that the heat needed to heat the pool water is transferred. A properly selected unit guarantees a comfortable and stable pool water temperature. Heat pumps are currently one of the best solutions on the market when it comes to the ratio of operating costs to device efficiency.

What types of heat pumps are there

There are plenty of manufacturers offering their products on the market. They are available in different power variants. Regardless, we distinguish between three basic heat pump models. The small "ON/OFF" pumps are designed for typical garden pools, the larger ones for professional pools. The more advanced technology are inverter pumps. How do they differ from each other?


They operate at a constant capacity. When plugged in, regardless of the prevailing conditions, they do not change the compressor and fan speed.

Heat pump with partial inverter technology

This type has several stages of compressor and fan capacity. They adjust their output according to the ambient temperature, the lower it is, the harder they work.

Heat pump with full inverter technology

The unit adjusts its output smoothly, while having the highest COP and operating at its quietest.

Check out the range of pool heat pumps available in our shop

What to look for when choosing a heat pump

The multitude of models available on the market can make your head spin and cause you to question which pump is better and what to look out for. The rather mysterious term "COP" was mentioned earlier, and it is this that you should pay attention to when choosing a pump. What is this enigmatic term? COP stands for Coefficient of Performance, which translates as coefficient of efficiency. It is the ratio of the heating output to the power consumed by the pump. If the manufacturer states that the COP is 8 and the pump draws 1kW of power, this means that it gives off 8 times the heating power, or 8kW. This coefficient is variable and increases proportionally with increasing air temperature.

When choosing a unit, it is, of course, important to ensure that you choose the right wattage for you. If you opt for an ill-suited heat pump, you may have problems heating the water.

How to choose a heat pump

Many people may ask themselves, how do we calculate the output of a pool heat pump? How many kW do we need? The selection of the right heat pump is made according to the volume of the pool. It is on the basis of this that the power of the model should be chosen. If you don't know the volume of your pool, it's easy to calculate. Simply multiply the length, width and depth of the pool. The result gives the volume of the pool in m3. This is the basis for selecting the appropriate wattage, as specified by the manufacturer.

See how to select a pump

The pool has dimensions of 5 m length, 3 m width, 1.5 m depth

5 x 3 x 1.5 = 22.5 m3

Our example pool has a volume of 22.5 m3. For this volume, we have a number of choices for heat pumps. Analysing the possibilities and budget, we decided on the Hewalex PCWB pool heat pump. According to the manufacturer's specifications, two models of 5.4 kW and 7.4 kW will fit our pool dimension. The pump should always be selected with a power reserve and not at the limit of capacity. It will repay us with better and more efficient operation. Our choice is therefore the 7.4 kW pump.

Remember that the pump should be selected on the basis of volume (m3) and not water surface area. The volume of water to be heated in an 8x4x1.5 m pool is considerably less than in an 8x4x2 m pool. Although the size of the water surface will be identical at 32 m2, the volume differs dramatically. The former has a volume of 48m3 and the latter 64m3.

Examples of pumps for different pool sizes

Choosing the ideal pump for your pool can be problematic, particularly when there are so many different companies and models on the market. We will try to present the pumps that we would choose for a given capacity.

An absolute hit for small pools is the Penguin mini heat pump. Customers appreciate its attractive price, unusual design and, above all, its ease of installation. Unlike other pumps, this one does not require a bypass and is ideal for pools set up on allotments, for example. 20 m3 is the maximum volume that the Penguin can handle. It is therefore worth installing it in pools with smaller volumes.

For more 'conservative eyes', Fairland has launched the Comfortline MINI pump. Its small size, the lack of need to install a bypass and its minimalist yet modernistic design will encourage users. The pump has a good COP, looking at its size

For a 35 m3 pool, we recommend opting for the Hewalex PCWB 10 kW pump. The higher power will reward you with better performance. The pump can be connected directly to the existing water circuit, without any additional equipment. The PCWB heat pump can be used for any type of swimming pool, whether it's a solid construction, a frame pool, inflatable pool etc.

A slightly more expensive option is the Fairland INVERTER PLUS inverter pump. These units have a very high COP, yet the operating noise can be likened to a refrigerator running. These pumps are "monobloc" pumps, i.e. compact pumps that contain all components in a single housing.

For larger pools, it is worth looking exclusively at inverter pumps. That's why it's worth looking at the Hewalex PCWBi model. These pumps use modern inverter rotary compressors. Infinitely variable regulation of the heating power makes it possible to adapt the operation to the momentary heating needs, but also to further reduce the noise level of the operating device. The PCWBi pump is characterised by a relatively high COP and at the same time an attractive price.

Also worth considering for a 50 m3 pool is the Fairland INVERTER - PLUS pump. It has a very good COP and guarantees a long service life.

The last proposal is a pump for the most demanding users. The Fairland INVER X is a top-of-the-range unit with inverter technology. The pumps of the IXCR series provide fast heating of water. The TURBO function makes it possible to achieve up to 120% efficiency. In addition, it uses TurboSilence technology, making it extremely quiet.

So is it worth choosing a heat pump?

So back to the initial question - is it worth buying a heat pump as a solution for hot water in a swimming pool? The answer is yes, because it is an energy-efficient and optimal solution for increasing swimming comfort. Heat pumps allow the water to be heated to the right temperature easily and quickly. Inverter pumps, although more expensive, will save you a lot of cash in the long run. The use of these devices makes it possible to extend the life of an outdoor swimming pool from a few summer weeks to even a few months. In the case of an indoor pool, it will also allow you to swim at a pleasant temperature.

Will a heat pump also heat water in winter?

As heat pumps draw most of their heating power from the air, it will be difficult, if not impossible, to heat water at very low temperatures. There are pumps that operate at -15 degrees Celsius. With this solution, however, it is advisable to provide an alternative heat source in the event of extremely low temperatures to prevent the pump and pipework from freezing.

How noisy is the heat pump?

Heat pump operation is very quiet. Its volume is comparable to that of a refrigerator.

Can a more powerful pump be fitted than the volume of the pool would suggest?

Yes, the more powerful the pump, the faster it will heat the water and run at a lower speed. This is associated with lower energy consumption.

What are "Plug and Play" pumps

Heat pumps are customarily connected directly to the electrical system. Small pumps up to 20m3 have the option of connecting via a plug directly to a socket. In addition, a fuse is fitted on the cable to switch off the pump in the event of an equipment failure.

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Tomasz Tomkowicz

Pool Technology Specialist

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