All pool owners face the same problems. This is evidenced by the many calls from customers asking for advice. "My water has turned green, what should I do?", "Why is my water brown?", "Everything was fine and here suddenly the water has turned cloudy". - these are just a few recurring problems. We can include the numerous queries about foam in the water.

  • Foaming is a common and natural problem
  • The foaming of the water is caused by substances that we bring into the water on our bodies - perfume, sunbathing oils, etc.
  • An overdose of antigallogens also causes foaming of the water
  • The solution to the problem is simple, it is to apply the appropriate measure

Why the water in the pool has started to foam

When observing nature, we see that flowing streams and waves can foam. This is a normal phenomenon when water is moving. However, in these cases, the foam disappears on its own. Among pool owners, there are cases of sheepskins appearing on the surface of the water and persisting permanently. Why does this happen?

In a nutshell, it's because you're using it. When you get into the pool or hot tub, you have residues of various substances on you: creams, washing gels, perfumes, soap, beard oils, hair pomade - the cosmetics we use are plentiful. These are products that do not dissolve in water.

Expert Advises!

Other causes of foaming pool water

Another reason could be the algaecide we use. Some of them foam heavily, which produces a visible effect on the water surface. This is not a dangerous phenomenon and foaming is not toxic. It does, however, cause some psychological discomfort and is a signal that our water is not completely clean. This could herald other water problems in the near future.

Useful products

How do you get rid of foam from pool water?

The process of levelling foam in a swimming pool is very simple and does not require complicated measure

Step 1

Check the pH value of the pool water. If necessary, adjust it to between 7 and 7.4 using suitable means

Step 2

Rinse out the pool filter

Step 3

Use an anti-foam agent

And that's it... The problem should disappear. The formation of foam is a normal process and is more frequent the more people use the pool. Remember, however, that the earlier you react and correct the problem, the fewer problems you will have later. A dirty filter and water can cause algae and microbial growth.

Check the offer forchemicals against foaming in swimming pool water

What if the filter is not rinsed out?

There may be residues in the filter which cause foaming. If the filter is not rinsed out, the problem may persist despite the measures taken.

Are there algaecides that do not create foam?

Yes, the problem is so widespread that a line of algaecides has been created that do not cause foaming is Bayrol Desalgine JET, among others. Other manufacturers are also trying to create low foaming products.

Can you bathe despite the foam that appears?

Yes, as much as possible. Apart from the visual inconvenience, this water is safe for users.

Is it possible to bathe after using antifoam?

Unless otherwise indicated by the manufacturer, bathing is possible. These products are usually neutral to human skin.

FAQ - Questions and answers

Ask a POOLSYSTEM.PL specialist

Tomasz Tomkowicz

Pool Technology Specialist

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